4. Hypothesis
4.1 Fundamental ways of thinking
The way I have gone to come to a solution was full of blind alleys and errings which I do not intend to discuss here. Only the basic directions of search and their results are presented.
My search was guided in one certain direction: a most simple configuration and a system of uniform particles. In the following these uniform particles are named "particles of structure" or simply "particles"
The first switch was directed in such a way, that time compared to the space appears as a "human feeling", not as a basic measure. This was done by not using time as a variable describing the structure. However, time is needed as a part of conventional formulas.
The basis is as follows:
The particles of structure are all uniform, that means, these particles do not change any of their properties. The particles move with speed of light. Therefore the speed of light as a property of radiation is already contained in the new consideration with its speed "c". It is not excluded per definition that the particles described above are the neutrinos.
The particles do not have a mass. The attribute of "mass" is caused by the coaction of particles without mass
property of energy-equivalent: coaction of particles in the form of the structure of the radiation
property of inertia: spacially relocating reconstruction of the structure
For the qualification of particles to build a structure they must have the property of a mutual reflection. For the collision of two particles this fact is without effect as the reflected particle is not different to the reflecting particle, because there are no new directions.
But when three and more particles collide, the following is possibl due to reflection:
-the creation of a structure
-the deflection from cours
-the formation of new directions.
Interactions between structures:
As assumed above that all particles are uniform, the interaction between structures is based only on the statistical process of equalization, that are to be seen as "pendulousness" between situations being results of statistical variations as well.