5. List of mathematical symbols
a length of way of a particle from the center of a tetrahedron to the apex
Number of temperature conducting, length
b length of edge of the tetrahedron, radius, distance
bmax radius, coordinate to the maximal entry-angle
C Concentration of sun-particles
c velocity of light
D coefficient of diffusion
d distance
de Diameter of the electron
dE Diameter oft he earth
E Energy
Energy of the ray
Energy, going through the
shell m
Energy, going through the
shell n
Power of ray
Power of ray, activ on
Power of ray, offer to the electron
Power of ray from the earth
Power of ray, coming to the
Stream of energy from the sun
Stream of energy through the
shell m
Stream of energy through the
shell n
Stream of energy from the
Stream of energy connect with
the surface of the sun
Stream of energy connect with
the surface of the shell m
Stream of energy connect with
the surface of the shell n
e electron
F Force, area
Fx2 Area as the unknown No. 2
f Distance
g Component-factor, Length of the edge of the terahedron
H Hubble-constant
h Planck-constant
hq modified Planck-constant
I Current
Impulse of the group of
particles λ
Change of the impulse of the
group of particles λ
k Constant of Boltzmann
L Length of support of the electron, Luminous power, Length of course of a particle in the layer
middle length of way
Length of way of the
particles with the entry-angle γ
l Length of the electric conductor
M Mass
m mass, marking of shell of a sphere
Rest mass of the electron
Rest mass of the proton
Rest mass of the ray coming in
NA Avogadro-constant
Ne Number of particles, take part at the electron
Np Number of particles, take part at the proton
NPhoton Leaving photons per time and area
NTrial Number of trial
Number of particles in 1m3
Nλ Number of groups of λ
Number of groups of
in one direction
Number of groups of particles
Number of effective photons of
the wave-length λ per time
Per unit of time from the
proton send out photons
Per unit of time from the sun
send out photons
Per unit of time and area from
the surface of the sun (radius R) send out particles
From center coming effective
stream of photons
n Number of photons, Identification of a sphere-shell
nγ Number of particles with entry-angle γ
p Probability, Identification of proton, Impulse
p3er Probability of a collision of three particles
pTeilchen1 , p1 Probability, that is correct the direction and distance for the particle 1
pTeilchen2 , p2 Probability, that is correct the direction and distance for the particle 2
pTeilchen3 , p3 Probability, that is correct the direction and distance for the particle 3
pZerst. Probability for a destruction
pf Probability, that have two particles in the distance f the same direction
Q Charge
R Rydberg-constant, radius of the sun
Radius of the earth
r Distance
rz Radius of the center
S Sun
T Absolute temperature, Designation of a particle
t time
tL Time in a resting laboratory
tbew Time of a moved clock
U Function of potential
V Volume
v Velocity
W Way of fly of the star-light-particle
x Co-ordinate
y Co-ordinate
z Number of sections, Co-ordinate
β Angle of deflection
Angle of deflection by one
Angle of deflection by a number
NS sun-light-particles during 1m way of star-ligth
γ Constant of gravitation, entry-angle of the particles in a layer
γmax maximal entry-angle
∆ Difference
Bond-energy of one molecule
∆λ Difference of two wav-lengths
∆λ∆n=1 Middle difference of two particles (Betoms) in the cosmos
Change of the wave-length of ligth
Constant of electric field
λ Length of wave, group of particles
Group of particles of the
electron, wave-length of these group
λmax Wave-length of the most frequent photons in the curve of distribution
Wave-length of the maximal
energy-stream in the curve of distribution
Group of particles of the
proton, wave-length of these group
Wave-length as the unknown
no. 1
Wave-length of the 21cm-ray
Constant of magnetic field
ν Frequency
Frequency of the maximal stream of
energy in the curve of distribution
τ Time
middle time of be in
Time for destruction of one
Time for destruction of one
direction in the structure of proton
Time as the unknown No. 3
All right reseved © 2010 for Imrich Bartosch
These work is protected by international and german copyright and other lows.
The sale of copys-in extracts too-of each way need the permission of the author.