Content page
1. The particles 5
1.1 The way to the particles 5
1.1.1 Motive 5
1.1.2 Demand on thes particles 5
1.1.3 Search of the particles 5
1.2 From particles over their collision to structure 5
1.3 From structure to the distance between the particles 7
1.4 Fixing of the middle distance of two particles from the data of the 8
1.5 The search of the structure of electron and proton 14
1.6 The probability of an impact of three particles 16
2. Quantitative connections 18
2.1 The connection of 3K-radiation and the mass of the electron 18
2.1.1 Position of knowledge 18
2.1.2 The discovery of connection between the 3K-radiation on the space 18
and the de-Broglie-Wavelength of the electron
2.1.3 Example to specify the structure of the electron 22
2.2 The connection of 3K-radiation and the mass of the proton 25
2.3 The connection of 3K-radiation and the constant of gravity 30
2.4 The connection of 3K-radiation and the redshift 33
2.4.1 Objektive 33
2.4.2 Model of redshift 34
2.5 The connection of 3K-radiation and the deflection of light by the sun 37
2.6 The connection of 3K-radiation and the constant of fields 39
2.6.1 Electric constant of field 39
2.6.2 Magnetic constant of field 42
2.7 The connection of 3K-radiation and the energy of bond for 45
the Hydrogen-Molecule
2.8 The connection of 3K-radiation and the emission of light 47
by the Hydrogen-Atom
2.9 The connection of 3K-radiation and the 21cm-radiation by 50
the Hydrogen-Atom
3. Qualitative connections 53
3.1 Conception of the „time“ 53
3.2 The connection of mass and particles 53
3.3 The connection of energy and particles 53
3.4 The connection of temperature and particles 53
3.5 The connection of motion and particles 54
3.6 The unsharp-relation and particles 55
3.7 The neutrinos and the particles 56
3.8 The dark matter and particles 57
3.9 The electron on the double-slit and the particles 58
3.10 The Efimow-declaration and the particles 59
3.11 The Schroedinger-equation and the particles 59
3.12 The theory of relativity and the particles 60
3.12.1 Fundamental difference between the theory of relativity and 60
description of the nature by the particles
3.12.2 The special theory of relativity and particles 60
3.12.3 The general theory of relativity and particles 63
3.13 The standard type of the physics of the basic particles and particles 67
Enclosure A to chapter 2.5: Deflection of light by the sun 68
4. Bibliography 88
5. List of mathematical symbols 90
Copyright 92