3.9 The connection of electrons at the double-aperture and particles
In /3-5/ is written on the experiments with electrons at double-aperture for the test of characteristics of waves and particles. The result of the Davisson-Germer-experiment in the twenties with electrons is there follow (as particle is there mean electron): “ How can know a particle at the passage of an aperture, whether the another is open ore not? And however “know “it in some way, otherwise it has not come on the one hand in a system, where a lot of electrons as totality build a single stripe, and on the other hand in a system, where the result is a lot of stripes and not only two.” Now to become clear for the question: “How can know the electron, whether the second aperture is open ore not?” with help of the particles (Betome). All in these work with the help of particles descript facts do not reach, to illustrate a figure of the structure of the electron, based on particles. In chapter 2.1.2 at the derivation of the mass of the electron from the 3K-radiation was reduce in equation 2.1.2-13 the number of elements in the numerator and the factor of fixing for the wave-length from ∆λ∆n=1 in the denominator. That mean, that the equation is fill as for example a double number of elements in the numerator and to the same time as for a double wave-length in the denominator. Also combinations can fill the equation, for example two elements with triple ∆λ∆n=1- wave-length and two elements with sixfold ∆λ∆n=1- wave-length:
Follow is possible a lot of combinations, what can give a electron. Therefore can such elements of the electron with wave-length in the range of the distance of the apertures definitely “notice”, whether a second aperture is open ore not.
3.10 Efimow-message and particles
In /3-6/ is reported about the experimental proof of the EFIMOW-state in 2006. There mean: “Before more than 35 years has assumed the Russian physicist Vitali Efimow, that three quantum-mechanics-particle, which can not bind each other in pairs, can unite through and through of three in an object.” These character has the particles (Betome) to. Two particles reflect each other as billiards-balls, their courses are at undisturbed. They can not bind each other. Three particles but can build a reflection-note, who can now are an element of a hexagonal, plane structure, as used in chapter 2.1 for the derivation of the mass of an electron. With four particles was given reasons for a spatial structure of the proton in chapter 2.2.
3.11 Schroedinger-equation and particles
The connection of the Schroedinger-equation to the particles shall make on the one hand by the general equation of heat conductivity and on the other hand by the equation of diffusion. If these three equations have the same structure and two equations can describe the behavior of particles, than it can the third equation to. For these are to define the terms on the base of particles.
The Schroedinger-equation is in accordance with /3-7/ for an one-dimensional moving for example of an electron:
U(x, t) is here the function of a potential. The electron moved in a field of potential U. For comparison with the equations of heat conductivity and the equation of diffusion is changed the equation above in the follow manner. The moved particle is a proton and shall not move in a field of potential(for example of an electron). Than is U(x, t)=0 and the equation above simplified to:
For all three dimension of the space result in:
is the Laplace-Operator
Ψ is the function for wave
t is the time
m is the mass of the proton
hq is the modify Planck-constant.
The general equations of heat conductivity is in accordance with /3-8/
with T as temperature
a as number of temperature-conductivity
For the transport for example of gas-molecules only by diffusion is in accordance with /3-9/:
with n as number of molecules
D as coefficient of diffusion
The type of the three equations is identical. So for as the equations, now to its connection with the particles.
Next to the equation of heat conductivity:
The equation of heat conductivity descript the expansion of the temperature, mean a term for energy. In chapter 2.2 was formulate the emerge of energy as an collective of particles (λp) out the proton. The expansion of these energy can therefore descript with these type of equation. In the Schroedinger-equation is then Ψ a term, was characterized the energy, as T in the equation of heat conductivity. In accordance with chapter 3.4 characterize T but these collective of particles, what bring the most part of energy for the complete collective (marked by νλmaxE as frequency, what give the most energy). In accordance with chapter 3.3 is the energy replaceable by the density of structure, mean the density (number, distance in space; not mass) of particles, what make these structure. For Ψ is than to take the density of structure of the take part particles.
Now to the equation off diffusion:
It descript the expansion of for example molecules. It can take logical for molecules particles to. For Ψ than to take by equations above the number n of particles.
The behavior of particles can descript with the Schroedinger-equation.