3. Qualitative connections
3.1 Idea to „time“
Time is in base only a comparison of two spatial take changes. That are the run out of a little ore big sand-glass just the same the oscillation of an atom-clock. The comparison must but make possible by a „memory“. If is not change, than is not time. Nevertheless can exist a space. The time is an invention of creatures, where are so complex, that they can save a “memory” and on these base can compare. As a physical quantity the time is not necessary, but she is practicable for us. We speak today still sunup and sunset, because it is practical. For the physical facts it is not correct already since some century (since was note, that the earth rotate round the sun). We not say “Rotating of the earth has reach the look to sun” ore “Rotating of the earth has end the look to the sun”.
Of these cause was make an effort, the time to eliminate from the effects of the particle-community and only to use the length λmax and ∆λ∆n=1 . The velocity of light c make the “Translation” from the language of space to our usual physic. Of course is to take the time in the usual formulas. With the velocity of light c is the time but without problems to transfer in a distance.
3.2 The Connection of mass and particles
The here described particles have not a mass. That is not new, for neutrinos have yet to come a decision. For mass is here to understand a attribute, what not had a single particle, but what at a cooperation of same particle exist, similar to the attribute of a family. Only one person has not a attribute of a family, but same persons can have these attribute. As mass is for particles therefore the cooperation in a group, in a structure to understand. The inertia of a mass is than the troublesome restructuring of a structure. For example is for a change of motion each particle to bring in an another direction. If particles formed a structure, than the structure has the attribute of a “mass”.
3.3 The connection of energy and particles
Come from equivalent of energy and mass by E=m*c2 , than is valid the above relation of mass to for energy. A structure of particles has the attribute of energy. A photon is here defined as three particles, where are flying in the same direction, at which two fly in a line. The particles formed a triangle. The structure triangle is correct for little and big triangles. Their energy but is different, because big triangle mean big wave-length. For the quantity of energy (and to for mass) is therefore the structure alone not authoritative, but the density of the structure in relation to the volume or length. Than have shorter wave-length the higher energy.
3.4 The connection of temperature and particles
From the Wien-formula
is with
T=[Nature-constant]*νλmaxE 3.4-4
Consequently mean, the temperature is only a conversion of frequency of the maximum of energy of a black radiation, a conversion similar the from m to cm ore from $ to € .