3.5 The connection of motion and particles
During for a photon the motion take place with velocity of light by fig. 3.5-1, is the motion for a proton not so simple.
Fig. 3.5-1 Motion of a photon
The proton retain its structure at moving as the photon, although shifted. The proton in rest was showed in chapter 2.2 as a structure of a tetrahedron (the same as a diamond) (Fig. 3.5-2).
Fig. 3.5-2: Tetrahedron-structure of a proton in rest
The particles fly between the meeting-points, the center-points of tetrahedrons, coming and going and formed so a structure in rest.
At motion of the structure for example in Fig. 3.5-2 to the top, fly the particles with top-direction a longer distance to top and a shorter distance to bottom at the return, similar to the principle two steps forward and one step back. Because to save the structure, must become the slanting fly particles a same additional component of velocity in direction to the top. Motion is therefore the existence of a same component of velocity for all particles of the structure in just the direction of the moving. But the particles fly further with light-velocity, only the direction is changed. The slanting course of particles in Fig. 3.5-2 are steeper (Fig. 3.5-3).
Fig. 3.5-3: Change of direction of the particles
The horizontal extension of the structure take of. But because for each particle in the space is the volume (∆λ∆n=1)3 entitled to it, the volume of the structure contract in horizontal direction and extend in the moving-direction. That is certainly exact the contrary of the special-relativistic contraction of length.
3.6 The connection of unsharp-relation and particles
The connection is demonstrated for three fields:
1. Rich in animals
2. Quantum mechanics
3. Particles
1. Rich in animals
Take a sleeping lion. By him sleep a mouse. At the question: “Where lie the lion?” point at with the finger in his direction and answer: “There!”. The estimation of the locality is at least so inexact, as is long the lion. At the mouse is the estimation more exact.
2. Quantum mechanics
Because in /3-1/ is spoken to from “particles”, is for the distinction to the here used particles the follow definition meaningful:
Quantum mechanics: “Particles (for exampel electron)”
Hitherto used particles: “Particles (Betome)”, see chapter 1.1.2
By /3-1/ is the Heisenberg-unsharp-relation as follows to interpret: “It is not possible, to the same time position and impulse of the particle with unlimited exactness to estimate.” And further: “With that can estimate the position of a particle in the principle so exact, as will. The wider go in these direction, the more inexact is the data of the impulse, and reverse.” ( That mean: “Particle (for example electron)”.) In follow is taken, like too in /3-14/, as uncertainty of the impulse the value of the impulse self. The Heisenberg-unsharp-relation as formula is:
with ∆p –uncertainty of the impulse
∆x –uncertainty of the position
It is now to determine the uncertainty of the position ∆x.
The impulse is m*v and it is to tread a photon.
Then is:
3.6-3 and 3.6-4
Change to λ give
and follow
The uncertainty of a photon is with that equal to its wave-length.
3. Particles (Betome)
Here is mean now anew “Particle (Betom)”. In chapter 1.4 was described the photon as a group of three particles, where as formation fly in one direction.
Fig. 3.6-1: View of a photon
The distance between particle 1 and particle 3 is the wave-length λ of the photon. Here to is the uncertainty of the place as about at the quantum mechanic equal λ .
If to see the particle 1 as the point of noise of the lion and particle 3 as the end of tail, than is to see the uncertainty anew. The mouse correspond a shorter wave-length.
The relation of uncertainty is to defuse, if is ask to the point of noise of the lion, respectively to the first particle of the photon.
3.7 The connection of neutrino and particle
The neutrino was postulated from PAULI, in order not to injure the theorem of conservation of energy at the β –decomposition. It pick up that amount of energy, what not to prove on an other way at the β –decomposition . The picked up energy can have continuous different values. It is disputed, whether have the neutrino a mass. His interaction with matter is so low, that according to /1-1/ sun-masses are passed unhindered.
The characteristics oft he neutrinos:
-pick up of energy
-continuous value of energy
-with mass
-without mass
-very low interaction with matter
shall now to explain with the behavior of particles.
„Pic up“ of energy
Take build the structure of the proton in accordance to chapter 2.2 as tetrahedrons. From anyone ground is destructed the structure and it fly off for example some particles. With that is a part of the structure no more existent. Because in according to chapter 3.3 structure is equivalent to energy, is at the β –decomposition “picked up” the energy.
Continous value of energy
The assumed flying off particles can left different gaps in the structure. The absent value of energy, equal the absent structure, can so take different value.
Neutrino with mass?
If the neutrino has a mass, than is certainly detectable its interaction with protons ore electrons. For these but must compatible the flying off particles with the structure of proton ore electron. Mean, they must come as formation to the acceptors proton ore electron.
Neutrino without mass
If scatter to the four winds the flying out particles, then is not more existent the characteristic of a mass
Very low interaction with matter
The flying out particles are therefore “fragments” of a structure, at witch even each particle these name be due to. Because one particle at a collision with one another particle do not deflect, at to see in 1.5 Fig. 1.5-1, it can passage structures without problems. If logically these “fragments” are not fit in the proton ore electron, than we can not interaction detect with matter. These can explained at the example of a photon. In accordance with chapter 1.4 exist a photon as a formation of three particles, flying in the same direction. It has a by λ defined energy (structure). If for example the latest particle is throw out the course by a three-particle-collision, then not more exist the photon. The first two particles fly certainly further, but not one electron can detect these photon-fragment. It has only a “very low interaction” with matter. The “energy” of the photon is “drag away” from two fragments, neutrinos, and is very, very difficult to prove.
Neutrinos are therefore an indeterminate number of particles, what once exist in a structure and can seed as fragments of it.
3.8 The connection of „dark matter” and particles
The existence of „dark matter” is formed as hypothesis, to initiate the contraction of the normal matter after the “Big Bang” /3-2/. The “dark matter” are not protons, neutrons and electrons of the normal matter. It says in /3-3/: “Today do favor the most astronomers the conception, the dark matter be made of largely not yet identified elementary particles, which hardly interacted with another particles ore one with another”. But exact these two characteristics has the in these work treated particles:
“hardly with another particles”- treated in chapter 3.7
(Connection with neutrinos)
“one with another”-.treated in chapter 1.2 (The particles reflect one with another as “billiard-balls”.)
A second point of the connection is the follow fact. In accordance with /3-4/ is valid for the dark matter: “Each one particle exchange energy not with his equals but by the field of gravitation with the whole collective”. In chapter 2.5 relating to light in the field of gravitation of the sun was say, that each particle, coming from the sun, influence the whole collective.
A third point of connection is the effect of gravitation. To in accordance with /3-3/ is say: “Yet the most part of matter in the cosmos radiate not a single one photon: That is the famed dark matter, here existence only make accessible by here effect of gravitation. The visible part of galactics are surrounded at today conception from gigantic “halos” of dark matter.” That is illustrated in Fig. 3.8-1.
Fig. 3.8-1: Dark matter with effect of gravitation
In chapter 2.3 was derived the constant of gravitation. Base was the from the earth emitted particles, witch act on an electron. These can illustrate with fig. 3.8-2:
Fig. 3.8-2: Particles with gravitation-effect
The from the earth radiated particles differ in not a way from the particles of the 3K-radiation. So maybe to conclude, that the particles of the 3K-radiation are the searched dark matter.