3. The third section of distance
From 1,9917*1010 m up to 1AE
(AE=Astronomic unit=distance sun-earth = 1,496*1011m)
In the start-equation A-1
is used for the area of distance from
1,9917*1010 m up to 1AE a middle concentration C. For these are
calculated the middle length of rout
at these two distances by equation
The first angle is 2°, for the second distance 1AE is calculated the angle from:
to 0,266°.
With that result the middle length of
rout 1,00030439m und 1,000003m. It is near to 1m for the radial–ray. The middle
number is =1,00015m .
To the integration is used the second
simplification of the stepwise integration with constant
in the range of integration from W1
up to W2. With that follow the start-equation above
With these equation is calculable the
deflection-angle for the way from W1 up to W2 , where is
take constant .
The term
give: 0,03026209 m. With that is calculated these area of distance to.
Now is still absent the distance from 1AE up to the star.
4. The fourth section of distance:
From 1AE (is 1 Astronomical Unit AU) up to the star
Here can take
=1m. With π/2
follow from
the number 0,004649031m. With that are all sections of distances calculated and can now comprised. The way of the star-light from 1AE up to the point next to the sun can get the factor 2, to consider the way from the sun up to the earth.
(Notation: The multiplication with 1m at the second number is need because the factor out of 1/1m.)
The above numbers in these equation has only a relation to the geometrical situations of the sun-rays, in the numbers is nothing from particles used. From particles is in the equation only used the follow:
In : A photon exist by three
2. In the
term arctan: Each particle claim a volume of
.(A cube with the length of edge
equal of the middle distance of two particles in the cosmos)
The number of particles in one m3
( ) are:
[Degree/((Particles/m3)*(m way of
star-light))] A-49
The number of particles ( ) , leave the surface of the sun
per m² and second at the radius R is calculated follow.
The number of photons is calculated from the follow equation /A-1/:
With that is the number of particles:
Now is still to estimate the temperature (TS) at the surface of the sun.
The temperature TS at the surface of the sun is calculable from the solar-constant (1395W/m2) and the energy E of the electro-magnetic radiation as function of the temperature by the low of STEFAN-BOLTZMANN:
E is estimated from the solar-constant by the distance earth-sun with dE=diameter of the earth:
AE = Astronomical
unit A-53
With that follow TS = 5808 K and A-55
=8,93628234 *1026
[Particles/(s*m2)] A-57
Now exist all numbers for calculation of β .
[Degree] A-58
β=454,69*10-6 Degree A-59
With 3600“/degree follow
β=1,64“ instead of 1,75“ A-60
Deviation: -6,3%
To Chapter 2.5 Connection between the 3K-radiation and the deflection of light by the sun